I Get The Hang on it...... Monday, April 30, 2007
1:09 PM
Well..its my last day of work..boohooos..i taught working is suppose to be very harsh to me..haha but i tink work is just a friend..i work as a hotel secretary for Aviva Open..gosh..i got to meet..alot of famous badminton player..including Misbun Sidek..haha maybe u guys doesnt noe him well..if u read old time favourite malay comic.."anak-anak Sidek" u mite noe him. hahas..dere also many foreigners..ahax duh emma..tournament silly..well i guess i will be missing the photocopy machine..heehs..shhh! hmm wat else happen 2day..hmm..ouh yea..sum guy ask fer my number..but people people people..need not to be afraid..for those who know i got a boy.. dont worry i wont ditch my edy on the rubbish bin..he my smelly puppet "elmo"..urgh i feel like working again..still i got loads of work..in skool..myself..my relationship..and MY BAND!!..yess yess..now i introduce my band...X-Seed..all maled band until me!! the FreaKish Ladee..came to life..haha wad i meant is i play lead/guitar/skachord for my band..and sing only abit2..:D who say girls cant play guitar...:D..our first gig was @ Gas Haus...if can we stop performin for a while..since im a composer for my band..we nid to practice alot2 of time...here my band mates..introduction...
Lead/guitar - Emma @ lily cyrus Guitar- Edy Bass - ZuL Drum - Wan
pictures will be uploaded sumday..well im sleepy..tired..and so on..
Beds calling me.. Winds went thru me.. Eyes tenderly close as i start to snore. dreams perfection nightmare imperfection Guitar by my side standing tall and wide as i shift my self left and right. till my dream give me a fright i didnt noe i give myself a flight.. down to the floor.. and yet i feel alright..
[lily cyrus ]
Renew blogs Sunday, April 29, 2007
11:10 AM
i got to renew my blog..since i forgotten wad my password is..hmm i sure forget ALOT of things tho..im such a dory!! well im busy lately..doin my major project and stuff..didnt noe 2nd year could be stressful..to de 1st year intake..enjoy it now..haha wow. emma gives advise..dat new..ouh well..many things to do tho..trying to kick my habit of biting nails..volunteer for de aviva opening..a badminton match btwn every country in around the world..also a volunteer for de NDP motivater..haha feels good to be one..and i love all my cluster friends.. on 1st of may its my 1 year 4mth with my red puppet elmo..feels good to be with him for such a long time..hmm..still i dunno how we start to like each other at first sight..all i know i was arrogant towards him..but oh well..we're in the same band..we play ska n oi..we love each other..so long we will be together..i compose new song for my band..its called kaulah gadisku..hmm new song..to us..nid to practice harder i guess.. for my band xseed..i think we nid to just practice for awhile..seems like everybody is totaly busy with thier own stuff..like wan with working....zul with NS...me with school works..edy with sleeping..tough looks huh?...ouh well i may update sooner or later..since its 3am now..total restless..