Urgh for 1 week sitting at home..can be SOOOOO...beautiful..never rest like u rest before..And the whole week i been spending my time in my mini crib..i wish it were bigger but face it my bed is taking the whole place..and i think i enjoy it that much..and mostly i make music in my mini crib..all i wish to have an extra room for my music toys..just add some soundproof and volla! your own jamming room..rigght ema..Dream on..so njoys!
This is where i had my dreams. bad or good its the best queen size 2 mattress bed of mine. And that pillow with the green colour, is my favourite. Never let alone in the house. Will always be with me no matter in the tent or wherever. weeeeeeee! next!

This is my galleria. The works i done for myself and not for the school. hehe. Because they only expected high standard. And i don't. I love what i do. And no one can step me down. Supernova and Back to Retroville is my favourites. The mod poster i got it for free from my boyfriend. I just like 60s and people think im weird. PoP Art is my next favourite. And Lastly Stuck UP inc will always be my original brand name.. NEXT!

Okay this is my Desk. The place i wrote lyrics. A place i create my own design. And Always smile when i see some pictures. All my gigs, movie tix is stuck on that mini british board of mine. The purple guy, is my plectrum keeper. U never want to know what i keep in there. Oh yeay i love clipping my nails. That how explain the nailclipper. NEXT!

Lastly my mini jamming room. i guess my bed took out so much space. planing to buy a drum tho. well i just wait for the future..i heard my blk is goin enbloc in the next few years.. mayb more room for personal jamming room. so dun nid to spend so much $$ outside. Well sometimes i record my own song using my lappie and my mic. Okay so low stndard. but that how to start first..practice makes perfects. And yeay that a big gift doraemon i got frm edy. Temporary guitar stand of mine. ehehe!
Well that my mini crib. im just doin this for my memories who knows, the enbloc is next year. hah memoriessss....
so long.