peace..not war again.. Saturday, December 12, 2009
11:56 AM
malaysia - indonesia stop please stop please stop please.. :) some one said to me that.. this both countrys are nothing different except for thier currency.. msia-rich.. indo-poor.. and basically money is the root of all evil :) msia have whore down thier streets.. indo too have it.. msia do have thieves on thier streets either do indo.. and some even said..thier politicians or whoever got the power to control the country.. are obsessed with powers that they forgot the publics/own national people.. and each country do have a mix of a religion..who doesnt? msia- muslims..christian and etc.. hey indo too have? some ppl said..indo is the dirty country with loads of rubbish everywhere.. hey msia do have too..and i even step on a chewing gum..still a rubbish.. but 1 thing they have similarities..both countries do have the best place for vacations.. scenery and etc.. and this best place will likely to be soon destroy due to this stupidious nothing to gain war.. you guys fought that 1 and another stole each other traditions.. and u guys dont even want to follow your own traditions.. instead of goings to the western and even living.. 1 rotten apple will mostly destroy all the edible apple.. so this 1 rotten piece of shit..actually seperate this countries.. and the rest will probably been brainwashed or sumting.. terrorist basically they are just sicko with medical letter which dreamt to be president one day. and thinks by destroying humans life and earth thinks that they are god..omgoodness get a life.. government too obsessed with money..and control people life..which leads to suffering..rioting..and mostly death? and some even want to put music industry into this jeopardy.. which got seriously nothing got to do with it at all.. so the msian stop hating indonesian band/singers.. and indonesian stop hating malaysian band/singers.. they're just trying to survive by earning money in this world and basically uniting people thru music.. aww come on if you guys think this is a lie.. try go to any clubs..gigs..pubs..concerts.. dun lie u guys wont mix together to listen to your fav music.. or dance to your fav music together.. and you wont even recognize if either or you are msian or indo... so yea music sets unity peace and love towards people.. ahh anyway if you thinks im crapping alot between this two country im just saying it out loud cause im tired war shit stuff..hate ass thingy.. for once.. can't the earth have peace..and just focus on the climate changes/global warming.. and i mention for alot of time..i may be wrong n right.. suggestion and speak out loud is never wrong or right sumtimes.. peace~